Chickpea Salad Healthy Recipe

Chickpea Salad Healthy Recipe 

today we're going to be making super easy salad with garbanzo beans or chickpeas however you like the problem this is super easy no need for heating or cooking it's just going to assemble it together from can garbanzo beans you could do a fresh if you want it have to take the extra step of actually cooking them but these are organics canned  garbanzo beans so they're going to be just great but let's go over ingredients real quick we have here black pepper some crushed red pepper flakes if you guys don't like heat too much if you leave out the pepper flakes and just add a little bit of pepper the pepper is not only just an add he is going to add a nice little flavor to the to the dish we're also using two red roma tomatoes but a handful of cilantro it is probably about a quarter cup roughly the juice from a half a lime half a red onion and I'm using a half of an English cucumber okay so first thing we're going to do is we're going to dice our cucumber into really small pieces first like cutting it down the middle and then we're going to cut it again you're gonna get little cubes out of this just going to add some nice crunch to the salad I'm going to put those in you want to cut your vegetables about the same size as your chickpeas you get a bite you get a little bit of everything and then we got our red onion we're going to cut this he's going to dice into really small pieces one ingredient that I forgot to include in guys is extra virgin olive oil we're going to add about a quarter cup of extra virgin olive oil we're going to chop our cilantro really really fine just hold it together on a bunch like this just go over it with a knife and times okay guys so now I'm going to add my lime juice and I'm adding both half a big lime I might need a little bit more I'll see how it is once I mix it in okay guys so now I'm going to add some chili flakes it's probably about a half a teaspoon or so depends on how hot you guys like it well a pinch of pepper salt to taste about a quarter cup of olive oil and I'm going to mix it and taste it and then I just always add less than you think you're going to need and then I just as you go okay so it needs a little bit more salt and I'm going to add a little bit more lime juice just because that extra virgin olive oils I show you a little bit stronger and I thought I should have tasted it first so you guys always want to kind know your ingredients that you're using if you ever change them take them alone make sure you don't get any surprises so I ended up adding the juice from one whole lime in to 30 ounces of chickpeas you can also use lemon juice with I think a lot of people actually also use lemon juice it gets a little more pepper and this will click good in your frigerator for quite a while so there you have it guys this is my chickpea salad super easy to make like I said it will stay good in the frigerator for days you can make it ahead of time and separate it into servings take it with you with you to work it needs no heating so the very convenience it has six grams of fiber per serving I believe that per third of a cup so it's very rich in fiber great food if you're vegan or if you're not eating any animal products this is a great protein to get in your body .

Chickpea Salad Healthy Recipe Chickpea Salad Healthy Recipe Reviewed by twins on يوليو 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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