Veg Hot & Sour Soup Recipe

Veg Hot & Sour Soup Recipe

Hello, This is Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi In the restaurant what is the first thing you order Firstly you order a soup, and which, everybody's favorite I am making veg Hot and sour soup for all of you People are used to eat sweet, sour , spicy foods That is why I think people like Hot & Sour soup so much Firstly and in this we will add I am preparing the soup to serve four people This soup is very spicy This soup is spicy and and sour and in this Some Vegetables Generally what restaurants do You can take a small carrot and grate it as well and also you can chop it Chop the french beans as well You can't grate them You need to chop cabbage as well Take 1/4 part of a small cabbage and chop it If you like mushrooms you can add 4-5 of them otherwise you can avoid also If you like bamboo shoots can add them as well If you find Chinese mushroom you can add that as well its flavor is amazing We will cook it for sometime now after cooking it for 2 mins We have taken uncooked vegetables that's why cooking for sometime is essential We will now add some water you can also add vegetable stalk in it to make vegetable stalk you need to take little onion Some assorted vegetables You will have to boil it a little and along with this and Some crushed black pepper after adding all this after adding all of these we will add You can do some Namak Shamak Be little careful while adding salt because soy sauce contains salt Red chilli sauce that we have used also contains salt So you need to be little careful now we will let all of these boil till then we will take 3 Tbsp of corn starch We will make a solution our slurry is ready after soup boils we will add the slurry in to the soup The slurry will help to bind the vegetables together that is why you add a little slurry as we get a nice boil I will mix the corn starch again Corn starch settles down so you need to mix it again We now add the slurry to the boiling soup We will again wait for a boil to come so that the soup thickens as it starts to boil We will prepare to serve to serve I have nice soup cups You can see the soup boiling The soup has thickened nicely The soup should not be too thick it should be such that you can enjoy the soup also the vegetables in it should start to float this is very important now the soup is ready but the most important thing is chilli oil We have kept this chilli oil ready The flavor and spiciness will be amazing The soup is all ready whether its monsoon or winter You drink this soup You may not need to wear sweater You will enjoy .

Veg Hot & Sour Soup Recipe Veg Hot & Sour Soup Recipe Reviewed by twins on يوليو 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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