Cauliflower Super Salad Recipe - Powerful People Recipe

Cauliflower Super Salad Recipe - Powerful People Recipe

chef buck here and today we're gonna cook up a cauliflower salad we have so many cauliflower recipes! I got kind of a dinky do head of cauliflower... I like to use more cauliflower than this generally but this is gonna be plenty enough for our salad which is gonna be very garlicky very flavorful but the first thing I'm gonna do and I've cleaned this up a little bit already but I'm gonna go ahead and break it apart and cut it down into some smaller pieces before we steam it but we're not gonna overly steam it --whoops! that's gravity-- we're going to use the florets and we're also going to use the stem tear your florets off into small pieces because then it's easier to steam .... I don't want to cut it up once i steam it and you can cut them too if you're not as powerful as I am know I'll have to edit that laugh out these florets are gonna steam up super quick and because the cauliflower is steamed we're gonna be able to digest the nutrition a little easier and I'm gonna steam the florets up with the stems but I'm gonna go ahead and cut the stem pieces into some smaller more manageable sizes so that they will steam up evenly with the florets that way I can just cook them all together although it's gonna be a very short steaming time because I don't want to overcook them cuz I want this salad to have a lot of texture all right so now I just mount a little pan here a small pot and I got a steamer basket just a little bit of water in there and if you don't have a steamer basket you could just put a little bit of water in the pan and just lay the broccoli on top of it (the broccoli?)... and lay the cauliflower on top of it ...all right so I got my burner on I'm gonna go ahead and throw my lid on here bring it up to a boil and let it steam away for just a few minutes...we're not gonna let it steam for too long I don't want it to get soft and mushy I just wanted to get a mouth pleasingly soft that sounded inappropriate as the cauliflower steaming I'm gonna go ahead and throw this dressing together I'm gonna grab a little bit of olive oil you know this is a nice thick rich olive oil a salad dressing Olive them all we're gonna add a little bit of vinegar in there a little bit of Worcestershire sauce I got a little paprika a mustard powder a little salt and pepper and just whisk these all together and you can definitely make a different variation of this and throw different  kinds of seasonings in put a little bit of sugar in here if you like alrighty looks like my cauliflower starting to steam up now keep an eye on this because I don't want it to go for too long you know I got a little bit of a fresh garlic here not a whole lot and I'm going to mince this up you know you can put one or two cloves maybe three cloves I wouldn't put much more than that this is all all preparation so we're using raw garlic so this is going to be a very strong garlic flavor not a date dish --oh it's definitely a date food-- you just got to find the right partner that's how you're gonna know if you're well matched you'll both love garlic yeah definitely on the first date that way you're not wasting a lot of time all right so we'll get our garlic nice and minced up throw that in here with our dressing and if you wanted to you could put the fresh ginger in here as well but I rarely do that this is gonna be flavorful enough now we'll set this aside check on our cauliflower again okay another minute all right I'm gonna cut up some green onions I'll cut the white ends into some smaller pieces and then I'll use the green stems ... I'll cut those up in some larger chunks and you don't have to use green onion if you like this is an optional ingredient but we like that raw onion taste in there and green onions not too strong now I got a whole bunch of parsley lots and lots of parsley... parsley is a pretty strong ingredient in this recipe and usually you think of parsley  it just means for color kind of an accent but the parsley adds a lot of flavor to this dish and using quite a bit of it check my cauliflower again and I think it's probably gonna be enough that's good that's done enough for me as you can see the fork passes in there pretty easily but it's definitely not mushy but we'll go ahead and let this cool down before we move on to the next step in the sound in fact I'm gonna go ahead and take my cauliflower off of this hot water so it doesn't steam anymore ... and notice all that steam around my hand I mean be careful doing this at home the only reason I can do it is because I'm so powerful but if you're less powerful than me then you definitely need to exercise caution a normal person would not have survived that not that I'm not normal ... I'm very normal alrighty so now my cauliflower is cooled down quite a little bit it's still warm but that's alrighty I got me a big bowl I'm just gonna add my cauliflower in there and I'm gonna take my chopped parsley my green onions and then we're just gonna mix it in with our dressing every last drop and like I said you could put a little bit of sugar in this dressing if you wanted to add some sweetness you don't want to put too much sugar in there because that would defeat the purpose of eating a bunch of cauliflower you keep acting like it's just nutritious it's good ... it's nutritious and delicious! it's the trifecta of cauliflower salads ...but with just two just mix it up and give it a taste test and this is just a perfect salad ... you can put it on top of a regular salad if you have a green salad ... this it's a great side dish it keeps in the fridge very well I'm a fan of parsley, parsley is so underrated... definitely give this recipe a try ... it's a great way to use cauliflower .

Cauliflower Super Salad Recipe - Powerful People Recipe Cauliflower Super Salad Recipe - Powerful People Recipe Reviewed by twins on يوليو 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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