How to make Greek Salad Recipe with Homemade Dressing

How to make Greek Salad Recipe with Homemade Dressing

Hello everyone! I´m Albert Bevia with Spain on a Fork today we´re going to make a beautiful and refreshing Greek Salad my version of this classic salad uses a combination of fresh ingredients that give this dish an extraordinary flavor this salad is super healthy and it´s easy to make ,ok . the first thing we´re going to do is make our dressing let´s begin by finely mincing 1 clove of garlic and adding it to a mortar now let´s pound down on the garlic with a pestle until we form a paste now let´s add 1 cup of Greek yogurt into the mortar now let´s add 1/2 teaspoon of balsamic glaze and 1/2 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice now let´s add 1/2 a teaspoon of dried dill let´s season it with sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper and let´s mix everything together now let´s slowly pour in 1 tablespoon of extra virgin Spanish olive oil while we continue to stir now let´s cover our dressing with some seran wrap and let´s add it to the fridge ok next let´s grab a small non-stick frying pan and let´s heat it with a medium heat once the pan get´s hot let´s dry roast about 15 blanched almonds between 3 to 4 minutes these almonds are going to give our salad a crunchy texture ok next let´s grab 3 tomatoes let´s cut them into small wedges and add them to a shallow bowl now let´s finely slice half of a purple onion and add it with the tomatoes now let´s grab 1 small cucumber let´s deseed it let´s cut it into thin slices and add it to the bowl ok next let´s grab some black olives let´s thinly slice them and them to the bowl now let´s add our toasted almonds on top season it sea salt and some freshly cracked black pepper now let´s crumble some organic feta cheese on top and let´s drizzle the salad with a little extra virgin Spanish olive oil ok and for our last step let´s grab the dressing that we made earlier and let´s put it on top of the salad ok now let´s give it a taste test, salud! it has an incredible flavor and the dressing really takes it to the next level .

How to make Greek Salad Recipe with Homemade Dressing How to make Greek Salad Recipe with Homemade Dressing Reviewed by twins on يوليو 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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