One of The Best Quinoa Salad Recipe

One of The Best Quinoa Salad Recipe

- Hey, guys, today we are going to make the ultimate quinoa salad. It's gonna be exploding with nutrition and flavor and I'm gonna do it all with one arm. Well, this one. I tore my AC while snowboarding, went off a big jump way too fast, and went straight into the shoulder. Now is a good time to learn ambidexterity, woo, skills. Let's get started. So to start off we're gonna be doing one cup of quinoa, two cups of broth. Now you can use water, you can use stock. It's really dark because I have this highly concentrated stock here, but it is gonna add a ton of flavor, and you can do the same. So I'm gonna bring this up to a boil, and then once it goes to boil, I'm gonna throw a lid on it and leave it to sit for 15 minutes or until cooked, when they kinda sprout out. Wait. (upbeat music) Release. Gotta eat too. So while the quinoa is cooking, I'm going to make the dressing and then prep all of the vegetables. Okay, we'll start off with one lime. So just I'm just gonna push it around and loosen up those juices a bit. Oh, left hand cuts. Looking to get about a tablespoon here. Then we want about a tablespoon and a half of olive oil, and a heaping teaspoon of sugar. Solid. Okay, the quinoa's pretty much done. We're just gonna let the last bit of water boil off. It's probably best you do a bit under two cups and then you can always add a bit more water. Most packages ask for just a bit too much water, then you get kinda soggy quinoa. I think mine's gonna turn out just about perfect but just a warning. You don't want watery quinoa. Okay, quinoa's done. Dump that out. Then we'll just throw that in the fridge. I'm actually gonna put it outside because it's wintertime. This is not easy. Fuck! There will be blood. Okay, homemade bandaid out of toilet paper and Saran Wrap. Slowly but surely. So we'll include the stems too. Save a couple leaves for garnish. Okay, that's all out of the way. Now we gotta mix it all together. So I got my quinoa. I got about a cup of shredded carrot, a cup of red pepper, chopped, finely chopped red onion, about half a cup, and about half a cup of cilantro, and one whole avocado that I'm gonna chop up. Save that piece. And then our dressing, and mix that all around. And if you have it, you can add a bit of fish sauce to add a really nice savory and salty flavor, just a couple dashes. This stuff can be really strong. Then our avocado. This is dangerous.  And mix it all around again. Okay, time to serve. Just top those off with some cilantro. 

One of The Best Quinoa Salad Recipe One of The Best Quinoa Salad Recipe Reviewed by twins on يوليو 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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