How to make Layer Salad Recipe

How to make Layer Salad Recipe

welcome to my virgin kitchen it's Barry here and Kenneth good old Kenneth has asked me to make a layer salad it's right there the kids loved it I loved it everyones gonna love it good times. Looks amazing right guys and I really hope you give it a go I've got to be honest with you i've had a crazy old week i've been re-doing my website and it's gonna look amazing there's one feature I think you'll love where you can vote for my next video recipe so i'll let you know about that once it's live things have been so frantic I gave myself 16 hours off looking at my emails and I got a thousand overnight that's how frantic it is with youtube comments and stuff just to give you a bit of an indication but anyhow layer salad was really popular back in the good old 1970's although it was also frowned upon some people said it gave salad a bad name which is potentially where bon jovi might have got inspiration for his lyrics *sings bon jovi* (badly) so yep the cool thing is you can pretty much layer it up with anything you want this is what I did with mine but let me know down below what you would do with yours. So first up grab yourself a nice big transparent salad bowl I plonked down some grated carrot first of all and gave it a little tap then poured on some peas again a nice little tap to layer it out then I got some chunky mozzarella slices so so good make sure it fills in the middle too then I got some cherry tomatoes too I dumped them on then arranged it all neatly around the outside edge it's important to get that outside edge looking amazing next up I added some mixed salad leaves a good old dump of that and scattered it all around again it's gonna get flattened by the layers above but it's looking great then followed up with some orange bell pepper slices some freshly chopped mango and a good old sprinkling of cheese before the final finale. So yep for this finale I made an orange pepper mayonnaise grab a bowl of mayo grind on some pepper some orange zest and a little squeeze of orange juice mix it together and spread it on top of your huge bowl then you want to get some shredded chicken pieces that have already been cooked, some crispy bacon bits that I fried up earlier and then one final sprinkling of cheese and that my friends is a darn good looking salad. Once you've made it all you want to do is keep it in thr fridge until you are ready to gobble it up it tastes amazing I loved it and my girls did too hello Phoebe is that nice yeah are you enjoying it yeah do you like the different colours yeah what is your favourite bit in there out of all that the meat you mean the chicken good times and little Chloe she is getting right in there enjoying it nice.

How to make Layer Salad Recipe How to make Layer Salad Recipe Reviewed by twins on يوليو 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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