Icelandic Lamb Soup Recipe

Icelandic Lamb Soup Recipe

what's going on guys and welcome back to the fit men cook kitchen well I am psyched to be back here in the kitchen and also psyched to be back here in the States I just got back from a five-day trip to Iceland and let me just tell you if you've never been to Iceland before you've got to put it on to your bucket list it's one of the most beautiful  places that I've ever seen and I haven't been to many places but the scenery is just breathtaking you're just truly in awe of nature besides the great scenery what they also have in Iceland besides really cold weather his amazing food so today's video is inspired from my travels we're gonna be making an Icelandic soup it's called Kate just SOPA it's right there in the screen I have no idea how to say this but I'm gonna have Google say it for us geo supe okay so the K&J office it sounds like a D anyway that also just shows you that Icelandic is one of the most difficult languages on the planet but the good thing is that their food is actually pretty simple so today we are making a lamb soup a meaty soup its traditional there in Iceland I have streamlined this recipe for meal prep so it's much easier and cost-efficient let me walk you through all the ingredients so you're probably wondering why I was in Iceland well a buddy of mine encouraged me to go you know his father's from Iceland and his mama's from Cuba so guess what we call them an ice cube here's what you're gonna need for the soup you're gonna need some lamb Iceland is known for its amazing lamb guys this is some lamb leg steak if you can't find lamb legs thick you can find some lamb shoulder and lamb can also be expensive depending on where you are in the world so if you can't find lamb then you could just use some lean beef I recommend some top sirloin or even some flank steak next is rutabaga and if you can't fly rutabaga then you could just get a turnip and turnips are much easier to find at least here in the US they are some whole carrots some onion I'm gonna be using a white onion but if you want to get a yellow or red onion you could do that too and some fresh cabbage some potatoes I'm gonna be using some red potatoes but if you want to use some Yukon potatoes or some russet potatoes you can use that to some beef stock now traditional Icelandic soup made with water using the lamp to actually make the stock and the savoriness of the suit this is from mill put we're gonna try to cut some corners and try to get to that flavor as quickly as possible so I'm gonna be doing half and half I'm gonna do half beef stock and then half water next up some dried herbs we're gonna keep this very simple we're only gonna be using some dry thyme and some dried oregano a little bit of garlic that's it guys that's all you need for this recipe this recipe is also particularly there are pewdie cuz it involves a lot of chopping one thing that I noticed when I was over there when I had the soup I had a really big spoon but on the spoon I had a bite of the rutabaga I had some carrots I had  some onions I had some lamb I had some cabbage at the potatoes it all fit there which means that they cut up the things really really small and dice it up so that each bite it's a full flavor overload of everything that's in this soup alright guys if you are ready to get your hands dirty roll up your sleeves and then let's get started first at the slow cooker on saute add in a little bit of olive oil then toss in the chopped onion if you want to add some more flavor you can toss in some chopped garlic to saute for about 2 to 3 minutes allowing the onion to turn brown and slightly translucent add into the chopped limb make sure the heat in the slow cooker is pretty high so you can sear the outside of the lamb I'm gonna add in the dry thyme and dried oregano while it cooks to really lock in that flavor let's see here for about 3 minutes now you're gonna add in the rest of the veggies some chopped potato add in some chopped rutabaga some chopped carrots pour in some beef broth and a little water sprinkle in a little sea salt and pepper give it a stir and pop the top and cook on medium for 4 hours when there's one hour left you're gonna add in some chopped cabbage and then after four hours you're gonna pop the top and wow this smells incredible guys used to a quick taste it's so good now what I would advise you to do guys it may sound counterintuitive but don't enjoy this right away I would actually let this cool down the temperature put this into the fridge and then eat it the next day because all the flavors are really gonna melt together and that's also in true Icelandic fashion you're actually supposed to make it and then you let it cool down put it into the fridge and then you eat it and enjoy it the next day since it's from meal prep technically you're gonna be doing that anyway so just know that right now what's bangin but tomorrow and the next day the next day woohoo that's the meal prep right there in terms of putting these for your meal prep I actually got these or medic jars which I love because they are pretty airtight and you can remove this metal ring around them if you want to heat it up in the microwave at work or wherever you are so I'm gonna use these this is just the beauty of this dish there there's so many vegetables it's called a meat soup but it's so abundant this is like 7080 percent vegetable so even if you can't afford a trip right now or the time to get away to Iceland at least you can take a trip with your taste buds with this delicious meal prep oh that's good stuff mmm hey so that at a gulp dah dah dah dah go okay that's how you say it is good I'm probably butchering it so I know you're not gonna get me right in the comments below so just let me know but that's it for today's video guys trust that this recipe is much better than me speaking Icelandic and you're gonna love it and it's the perfect time for this recipe too because it's getting colder at least it is here in the u.s. so it's prime time to bust out your slow cooker and get to cooking make this recipe guys I want you to comment below how you may customize it with your own seasonal vegetables from your area but just as is this is a very simple easy and set recipe don't do too much to it alright alright guys thank y'all for watching until next time I want to keep it healthy but of course never ever boy ooh bye y'all

Icelandic Lamb Soup Recipe Icelandic Lamb Soup Recipe Reviewed by twins on يوليو 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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