Rutabaga Healthy Vegetable Soup Recipe

Rutabaga Healthy Vegetable Soup Recipe

Chef buck here and today we're gonna take this rutabaga and make a very easy simple vegetable soup... you can use a potato for this but I'm not using a potato I'm using rutabaga because you can use a rutabaga just like you can use a potato this is like three potatoes look how big this is it's like that's like twice as big as my brain maybe three times don't be afraid about how big this is don't be scared of the rutabaga look at that no arms no teeth completely helpless ....why?.... because that's what happened to me in school ...first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna cut off the ends of our rutabaga cuz it's kind of ugly see how ugly that is so we'll cut off a little knobby end there we'll cut off the other little end and when you're buying a rutabaga you want to make sure there aren't any big blemishes nothing unsightly or untoward with your rutabaga you want to make sure it's nice and heavy for its size because that means it has a lot of moisture in there now I'm gonna go ahead and cut this into a manageable size so that then I can cube it up now let me go ahead and take the skin off cuz we don't want to use the skin because sometimes there'll be a waxy coating to help preserve the moisture to keep it from drying out and I found the easiest way to peel it is just to take a knife and go around the edges and just slice it off so I've got all the skin off my rutabaga so now I'm just gonna cut it up into some soupy size chunks I want to have some nice hearty big pieces of rutabagas so we got it all chopped up and you can cut them smaller than this if you like but it's gonna cook for a while and it's really gonna soften up and I don't want it to fall completely apart because I want it to be a very rustic soup chunky monkey soup so I want some nice big pieces we're gonna heat up some oil in a pot now this is gonna be like a vegetable soup but we're gonna call it a rutabaga suit because it's gonna be defined by the rutabaga you know I could put less rutabaga in here just make it a vegetable soup I could not put any of this other stuff I could just put some onion and root a bit big in here and almost like make it like a potato leek but it's gonna be a kind of a gray Bagon you clean out your fridge needs whatever you like but I got my all heated up and the first thing I'm going to throw in here are some seeds cuz seeds had a lot of flavor you know so if you if you're not used to cooking with seeds give them a go I got some fennel seeds and a little cumin seeds in here and your seed should start cooking straight away we're just gonna give these here a moment by themselves then I'm gonna add in some garlic I got a lot of garlic but we're gonna add a lot of flavor to this dish because it's soup you know you want your soup to have a lot of flavor and I got a lot of jalapeno here it's not gonna put any dried hot peppers in here so I'll just have some fresh pepper and that's probably too much I'm probably gonna get in trouble for that lots of onions so we're gonna go ahead and give our peppers a few minutes here let them saute about stir them up occasionally go for about five minutes all right so we've had our onions sautéing up here for a few minutes and they're starting to soften up so I'm gonna go ahead and throw a lot of seasoning in here a lot of flavor now you could put whatever seasoning you like in here but I've got a potpourri of flavors and I'm using a whole bunch of them I'm gonna go ahead and throw in some carrot boom and you can vary the amount of ingredients you put in here you know the ratio whatever you like a little bit of celery I got this pot already filled up almost a third of the way for now I'm gonna go ahead and add my rutabaga in here and this is an awful lot so that's why we're calling it rutabagas look at all that now if I had to describe this soup in one word I would call it rutabaga all right so I'm gonna fill up my pot with a bunch of water I'm gonna cover it up and bring it up to a boil alrighty so our pot has come up to a boil I'm gonna go ahead and give it a little bit of a stir here I'm gonna reduce the temperature down to the low and I'm just gonna let it simmer away ....we'll cover it up leave it alone that's it we got other things to do soup! when you got other things to do! alrighty so it's only been simmering for about 45 minutes not long at all and as you can see it's a very light simmer and I didn't even add any water to it it hasn't even cooked off a lot of water and you don't want your rutabaga to fall apart or at least I don't which is why I like these nice big chunks but as you can see how easily the fork passes through this piece right here but it's not mushy at all and I don't want to cook it until it gets mushy but the fork goes through there quite easily boom that's it turned off the heat and I'm just gonna cover it up you know let it cool off that's all there is to it we're gonna eat this tomorrow or maybe the next day but as soon as it cools down I'll jar it up and throw it in the fridge and it'll be ready whenever we want it ....I just added water and seasoning it's gonna make its own broth it'll be the broth it'll be the broth there you have it a nice rustic delicioso rutabaga soup got a little left over egg bread and salad go ahead and give it a super try camera around yeah we can use your mouth yeah for sure... is that gonna do the trick a little soup and salad on a nice sunny wintery day anything you can do with a potato you can do with the rutabaga .

Rutabaga Healthy Vegetable Soup Recipe Rutabaga Healthy Vegetable Soup Recipe Reviewed by twins on يوليو 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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