Simple French Green Salad Recipe

Simple French Green Salad Recipe

Hello everyone i´m Albert Bevia with Spain on a Fork in today´s episode we´re going to be making a French inspired simple green salad now, a couple of months ago I visited this beautiful little town called Saint Flour in central-southern France I ate this salad that was simple yet extraordinary and it inspired me to create this recipe now, this salad is easy to make has an incredible flavor and will surely become one of your go-to salad recipes so let´s get started ok the first thing we´re going to do is we´re going to pre-heat our oven to the bake and broil option and we´re going to go 210 C which is about 410 F ok the next thing we´re going to do is we´re going to make some homemade croutons I have a couple of slices of dense baguette bread here I´m going to cut into small squares and now let´s add our cubes of bread to a bowl we´ll add about a tbsp of extra virgin Spanish olive oil 1/2 tsp of dried parsley 1/2 tsp of garlic powder and a pinch of sea salt and now let´s toss it all together now we´ll add our pieces of bread to a baking tray with some foil paper and now we´ll add our baking tray to the oven ok so while our croutons are toasting let´s go ahead and get started with our sauce we´re going to start by mincing 1 garlic now let´s add our minced garlic to a mortar and let´s start pounding our garlic and after pounding your garlic for about 2 minutes let´s go ahead and add 1/2 tsp of dried thyme and 1/2 tsp of dried parsley and let´s mash it with the garlic now, the French are known for their love of mustard so in our sauce we´re going to put a couple tablespoons of some dijon mustard I have here now we´ll add about 1 tbsp of creamy balsamic vinegar and a pinch of sea salt and let´s mix it all together next we´re going to add my favorite ingredient extra virgin Spanish olive oil we´re going to add about 2 tablespoons and let´s mix it all together and once you reach this mayonnaise like consistency our sauce is done ok its been about 15 minutes since we added the croutons to the oven so let´s go check on them and as you can see they are perfectly cooked so let´s go ahead and take them out of the oven and then for our last step let´s cut our lettuce i´m using ice berg lettuce I like this type of lettuce because it´s crispy it´s crunchy and it wont welt when we add our dressing so let´s start cutting it now we´ll add our cut lettuce to a salad spinner and let´s wash our lettuce and once you have your lettuce washed and dried let´s go ahead and add it to a large bowl now let´s grab some of the dressing that we made and let´s add it on top of the lettuce and let´s mix it all together and once you have your lettuce and dressing well mixed let´s go ahead and add it to a shallow bowl now we´ll add some of the croutons that we made on top of the salad and we´ll grade just a kiss of queso Manchego on top and there´s our finished dish of a French inspired simple green salad .

Simple French Green Salad Recipe Simple French Green Salad Recipe Reviewed by twins on يوليو 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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