Chocolate Coconut Pudding Recipe - No Baking Easy Dessert Recipe

Chocolate Coconut Pudding Recipe  - No Baking Easy Dessert Recipe

Hello Friends Today we are gonna make Chocolate Coconut Pudding Let's start First, we'll melt chocolate Add chocolate in any steel or glass bowl Add water in pan and put this bowl over it On other hand, add biscuits in plastic bag And mash it like this Like crumbs I'm using fresh biscuits You can use whatever you like Add biscuit crumbs in serving bowl We are going to make base with biscuits crumbs Press down to make base Then add coconut milk over it This is will enhance the taste Then make layer with pineapple slices Here chocolate is melted Now add remaining coconut milk Crushed Coconut Then add thick cream It will be in creamy form Then Add chocolate coconut mixture in serving bowl Then Garnish with Pineapple Slices You can garnish with biscuits if you want! Then Blueberries And finally Chocolate Syrup Our delicious dessert is ready It tastes different Best if you'll keep this over night Otherwise Keep in Fridge for 2-3 hours You'll find change in this dessert .

Chocolate Coconut Pudding Recipe - No Baking Easy Dessert Recipe Chocolate Coconut Pudding Recipe  - No Baking Easy Dessert Recipe Reviewed by twins on أغسطس 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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