Vegetarian Quesadilla Recipe

Vegetarian Quesadilla Recipe

- Hi, I'm Marlon and this is Bachelor on a Budget. Today, we are going to be making vegetarian fully loaded quesadillas. Let's get started. Okay, to start off, we got a hot pan going. We're just gonna drop in a knob of butter. To start off, we're gonna drop in our red onion. And we're gonna go in with a couple cloves of garlic. So, I'm using a full can of red kidney beans here. Now, I prefer a mashed consistency, kind of like refried beans. So you can either mash them but I got a non-stick here or you can give it a good fisting. WIth clean hands of course. Just, yeah, fist that. You can season that with some salt. Get our mushrooms in there. And then we get in our kidney beans. And we want some frozen corn. And this is optional but what I like to do, is add a bit of salsa to it. Feel free to mash down some of the beans. Okay, then we want to get all this into a separate container. Okay, then we just want to clean out that pan with a paper towel. So, we're still on medium high heat here. We're just gonna take another knob of butter. Put that into the pan. And we're gonna get our first quesadilla. Spin that around. Start applying the goods. Now, I got some mixed cheese here. You can use any type. I went with some cheddar and mozzarella. We just want a little bit at the bottom to act as like a cheesy glue. And we go with our toppings. And I got some spinach as well. And we'll top that off with some cheese. And add on another tortilla sheet. Make sure that doesn't burn on the bottom. When you're ready to flip it, you can either take a spatula and do so like that or if you've got a narrow pan like I do, put the plate right in there. Flip it over. Voila. I got a bit more butter in there. And just slide that baby back in. Give it the good 'ole twirl. Okay, once that quesadillas been on this side  for a couple minutes

Vegetarian Quesadilla Recipe Vegetarian Quesadilla Recipe Reviewed by twins on يوليو 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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